Fact 1: Salzburg Regional Court suppresses burdening evidence documents

Fact 1: Salzburg Regional Court suppresses incriminating evidence

The following facts prove that incriminating evidence is repeatedly – i.e. systematically – suppressed at the Salzburg Regional Court in order to protect favored individuals from the consequences of their criminal actions.

These facts are known to the judiciary.

The Ministry of Justice and the Procurator Fiscal’s Office, show no interest in clarifying the obvious abuse of office of individual judges and court persons for the protection of locally influential persons.
In this way, future damages and innocent victims of further criminal expropriations are favored by well-connected social circles from the highest level, instead of preventing them.

The judiciary tries to deny what should not be in its area of responsibility – and covers its black sheep with all means.

Only seemingly minor misconduct on the part of court personnel is admitted and pursued with publicity.

Within the courts, this can only be understood as a carte blanche from the highest authority for ever more unrestrained abuse of office in the interest of the covered circles of society.

Respectable judges must look the other way or they will be removed from the judiciary as disruptive elements.

Accordingly, the Ministry of Justice and the State Financial Procurator’s Office have NEVER taken any action against those responsible within the Salzburg Regional Court, so that in all future cases it must again be expected that incriminating evidence against favored persons in court can be suppressed with impunity.

The “rest” they make up in the small circle behind the stage.

As always when it is about the friends of the friends in Austria!

Proof: Proceedings 3 Cg 171/02g of the regional court


In the procedure 3 Cg 171/02 real handwritings of the testatrix in the original were submitted to the court for the investigation by judicial handwriting experts.

The disputed “handwriting” in the will consists of many clear individual strokes, corrections and stopping points. The genuine handwriting is very different from this. It is written dynamically, briskly and connected over many letters in one stroke. When comparing the disputed testamentary writing with genuine handwritings in the original, these strong deviations are clearly noticeable. This has been clearly established by a total of four concurring forensic experts.

Before the regional court Salzburg, the handwriting expert Rettenbacher assigned by it the files, with the manuscripts to be compared left, were removed court-internally all genuine comparison manuscripts (No. 18, 19 and 20) in the original, so that the court expert Rettenbacher could arrive at the ordered expert opinion result for the exoneration of the favored Salzburg criminals.

For further facts see: Dossier manipulation by preliminary expert opinion SV Rettenbacher >>.

This judicially manipulated exoneration expert opinion made it possible for the Salzburg Regional Court to refuse to confirm the falsification of the will and to support the fraudulent expropriation.

In order to prevent a reopening and legally compliant rectification of this erroneous judgment, at the Salzburg Regional Court subsequently also that single genuine handwriting sample (V1) of the testator Lydia Wagner disappeared from the court files, which had previously led to the incriminating court opinion of the expert Nicponsky in the file of the Vienna Criminal Regional Court.

For facts see: Dossier V1 – Ombudsman’s Office Justice Upper Austria Salzburg >>

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