Fact 2: Salzburg Regional Court is manipulating evidence for expert testimony

Fact 2: Court manipulates expert witnesses

As reported under the item “Court suppresses incriminating evidence” , the expert Dietrich Rettenbacher has stated that he did not receive important incriminating settlement documents from the judge Dr. Franz Schmidbauer of the Salzburg Regional Court for the preparation of the expert opinion.

The hand expert did not consider these judicially suppressed settlement writings in his court expert opinion therefore and came in this way to the manipulated expert opinion result, according to which the previous, incriminating court expert opinion of the regional court for criminal cases Vienna, by the hand expert Friedrich Nicponsky is not to have been correct.

Investigations by the examining magistrate Dr. Kail, of the Regional Criminal Court Vienna, have had the effect that these suppressed originals of the genuine settlement manuscripts have been placed back in the court file of the Salzburg Regional Court. (V) However, it was never determined which individuals within the court were responsible for this manipulation of the evidence documents.

Although this important evidence could be recovered, the Salzburg Regional Court did not allow itself to supplement the court report of Rettenbacher’s expert witness.

After studying the incriminating court expert opinion of the Criminal Court of Vienna, the will forgers forged additional handwriting samples as evidence for their exculpatory expert opinion by the Salzburg Regional Court and passed off this forged evidence, as genuine comparative handwriting.

The regional court Salzburg conveyed these falsified comparison writings, as genuine handwriting samples to the SV Rettenbacher for the appraisal – and prevented thereby that the aggrieved party can dispute the authenticity of these additionally falsified means of evidence.

After the fact became known that at least some of the unchecked comparison writings assumed to be genuine were indisputably forged writings, the handwriting expert Rettenbacher himself distanced himself from his exculpatory expert opinion.

Despite the omission of this sole justification for its erroneous judgment to protect the forgers of the will, the Salzburg Regional Court refused to reopen and correct its judgment.

The internal judicial network protects once enforced fraudulent expropriations with all its might.

In order to prevent further efforts for the correction of its deliberate wrong judgment, that central genuine settlement document V1, on the basis of which the criminal regional court Vienna, the falsification of the will could be determined by an expert beyond doubt, was suppressed afterwards at the regional court Salzburg.

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