Fact 6: Salzburg Regional Court arbitrarily contradicts 2 final judgments and court experts to protect befriended perpetrators

Fact 6: Salzburg Regional Court arbitrarily contradicts 2 final judgments and court experts to protect befriended perpetrators

In the court case 16 Cg 95/02b before the regional court Korneuburg, both the court expert Prof. Dr. Sobotka, as well as the renowned court sworn handwriting expert Dkfm. Dr. Werner Brandner, determined massive forgery characteristics of the testament writing. In the course of these expert opinions, these forgery features were documented so clearly by means of strong enlargements of the writing and forensic movement analyses of each individual stroke that no unbiased judge could have the slightest doubt about this forgery.
>> See font enlargements with motion analyses.

Altogether therefore three prominent handwriting experts of Austria confirmed the falsification of the will clearly and found the counter opinion of the SV Rettenbacher, manipulated by the LG Salzburg, after detailed examination expert-expert as factually completely untenable.

The regional court Korneuburg determined therefore in a judgement legally valid that the original court appraisal of the criminal regional court Vienna, the expert Nicponsky was completely correct, in which he determined the present falsification of the will already in the year 1997 clearly.

Based on these three concurring expert opinions and the verdict of the Regional Court Korneuburg, the District Court Wr. Neustadt also determined in a legally binding verdict that this will was forged.

Three handwriting experts and two courts have therefore examined the question of this forgery of documents in detail and established the forgery of the will beyond doubt.

Nevertheless, the Salzburg Regional Court opposes these legally binding, objective judgments and expert opinions by basing a contrary judgment solely on the – by itself – manipulated counter-opinion of local “expert” Rettenbacher in order to protect the influential perpetrators.

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